Posted by Coach Excellence on June 22, 2017 in Physical Work |


Let’s continue in that “physical improvement” theme with a little work with the SWISS BALL. They are simple to purchase, and easy working with them. How?

First—have your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Grip the ball also shoulder width apart, and then slowly bend your arms so that the chest is almost touching the ball, (keeping your back straight) then return to the position where your arms are straight.


Place both hands on the ground, shoulder-width apart.

Place one shin on a Swiss ball, then the other, so you are holding a push-up-type position. Try not to let your hips sag. Keep your feet apart to help with balance. When you get the hang of this exercise on your shins, try resting on the fronts of your feet, and when you master that, try doing it on your toes (pictured right)


Lie on your back. Place the soles of your feet on a Swiss ball, knees bent to 90 degrees. Keep your arms by your sides on the ground, palms facing up. Pressing your feet into the ball, raise your hips off the ground until your body forms one line, from your shoulders to your knees. As you reach the top, clench your buttocks to accentuate the work of your gluteal muscles. Lower to a few centimetres off the ground, then rise again for your next rep.

This next exercises requires your obliques to work to keep you from rolling sideways off the ball. How? Lie with your stomach on a Swiss ball. Place your fingertips on the ground in front of you and your toes on the ground behind you. Brace your core to stop the ball pushing into your stomach and to steady your torso. Keep your head position neutral and your spine long. Lift your right arm and left leg at the same time until they are horizontal.

Hold for a few seconds, then lower. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

With all of these exercises—try to keep the ball still through all the reps

Complete sets of 5 to begin with, and then build to 10 or more.

Enjoy …and thanks to “Body & Soul, Swiss Ball Workout”.


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