Posted by Coach Excellence on June 23, 2017 in Coaching Hints |

Q.     Ring Size. When setting up a new 50m Prone shooter what ring size would you start with as a general rule of thumb. Because everyone’s eyes are different and people see different things

A.      A good start is somewhere around 3.8—4.0 with the back at 1.2 It’s also essential have good eye relief with the back sight.  Another essential is to ask the shooter how much white they think they can see around the black. In the early stages, the hold may not be tight and the larger sight will help the shooter to define target and sight

Q.     New Shooters. We have a few new shooters and juniors in our club and I thought it might be a good idea if there could be an article on the fundamentals of firing the shot, so they would have something to refer to if things are not working for them

A.      The TRA Introduction to Shooting series (Part 1 & 2) are good publications for that purpose. They are available at $1 each + postage. Your club can order a supply to give to new members.

Q:     How important is the fit of the hand on the pistol grip / trigger?” Should it be packed out or shaved off to suit? How do you determine if a small medium or large grip is the one for you 

A.      The short answer—Ideally you would try both—not as easy as it sounds. The purpose of the pistol grip is to position your hand to enhance the trigger finger’s position, resulting in a clean and direct trigger release. The placement of the palm (and size of the grip) is important as a grip that is too small will have the potential for a bent wrist and the fingers wrapped right around the grip possibly causing contact with the clothing as well (not allowed). Too large and the hand will be stretching to control the grip and firearm. Pack or shave?? You bet. No two people have the same hands, and it’s the comfort and control that’s paramount..

Q.     Rifle Cleaning. What is the best way to clean my rifle – how often – some of the do’s and don’ts

A.   Cleaning the rifle…a few basics from the TRA Introduction to Smallbore shooting Part 2

•  Set up all that you will need within easy reach

•  Remove the bolt and the sights prior to the barrel cleaning

•  Always use a rod guide when using a cleaning rod

•  Clean only from the breech end of the rifle

•  A toothbrush is a very valuable tool for cleaning those harder to get to places. 

•  Solvent should be used sparingly.

•  See your coach or more experienced shooters for advice and/or a cleaning demonstration

•  Ask for a demonstration on appropriate cleaning procedures

Cleaning without solvent – run a cloth patch through the barrel.  Change the patch and repeat the process until the patch runs through clean.

Cleaning with solvent – run a cloth patch dipped in a little solvent through the barrel 5 or 6 times, then complete the cleaning with the dry patches as listed above

A brush dipped in a little solvent can also be used on the end of the cleaning rod

Why use the rod guide????

To ensure that no solvent can possibly enter the trigger mechanism area 

How often to clean???? The answer to this question has been, and will be debated often… Some will confirm after every match or training session, the rifle should be cleaned, while others will happily leave their rifles for months between cleans. The best view is somewhere in between!!

Have you a question to ask – contact tricia@coachexcellence.net

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