STRETCHING FOR SHOOTING—yes I can the groans and moan from here. However I’m not sure that many appreciate the benefit that stretching will afford their bodies. We heard it all before, yet a glance along most ranges will show that, although the message is out there, the challenge is unheeded. How many times have we […]
WAYS TO IMPROVE CORE STABILITY What is core stability… basically it is the capacity of the muscles of the torso to assist in the maintenance of good posture, balance, etc., especially during movement. Core stability is the name given to the strengthening of the corset of muscles surrounding the back and abdomen. These muscles are […]
WORKING WITH SWISS BALLS Let’s continue in that “physical improvement” theme with a little work with the SWISS BALL. They are simple to purchase, and easy working with them. How? First—have your feet roughly shoulder width apart. Grip the ball also shoulder width apart, and then slowly bend your arms so that the chest is […]
How to Improve Balance Improving your balance takes time and practice and it doesn’t just happen overnight. However, with consistent practice, you should be able to improve your balance over time. Don’t give up practicing and trying to find your balance because if you give up hope then you will not find your balance… and […]
Adapted from an article by Jim Pulliam MA, RD, CSSD. USA Shooting Information All disciplines of shooting require high mental concentration which requires more nutrients to be delivered to the brain to use as fuel. Mental performance will be best after eating a mixture of carbohydrate, lean protein and healthy fat at frequent intervals throughout […]
By Tricia Van Nus. Good health and a level of physical fitness are essential for the degree of control needed in shooting. Whatever your age, gender or size, you can be healthier for your chosen sport. Many people will say that prone is just lying on the ground – why do I need to stretch […]
An article by Nick Sanders. When planning for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games heat was identified as a major factor in many sports, shooting was no different. One heat related issue is dehydration, which can be complex and seriously impact athletic performance. Some simple strategies implemented at the Victorian Institute of Sport (VIS) with our […]