Now everyone is going to say …. “Of course I train!… but do you…do you understand the real meaning of training.
The three processes are … TRAINING … PRACTICE … COMPETITION …
Let’s break that down a bit – TRAINING.
Training is taking the time to work on the little elements of performance, one at a time, and push for improvement. This improvement may be as a result of trying something new (trial and assessment) or simply looking at an element that sometimes gets in the way of a good performance.
This could be as simple as “when I get a bit nervous, I tend to lose trigger control” so the training element would be taking the time to work on the trigger process.
How long is this training process? How long is a piece of string! Every experienced shooter suspects their weak spots, and should focus there first.
You would be amazed at how many highly experienced shooters use training time to “refine the basics” and this could include: confirming head position, confirming reliable trigger technique, keeping the mind in focus, working with balance in the position (yes in all positions, including prone) …. and the list goes on.
Then there is PRACTICE element.
Once the training elements have been successfully improved, it’s good to put the training work to the test, prior to a competition, and see if the training has been effective. Perhaps a control match, or the very least, a half match, putting yourself in the “competition mindset” This practice match will also show the shooter and coach where training should be next directed.
Finally there is COMPETITION
When we go to a match, or Club Open, or the State shoot, what we are doing is the Competition part, hoping that the hard work will come together on the range, at that particular time. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t.
There are many reasons why it “doesn’t work” on a particular day, however mostly it will be linked back to the specific training elements that you have, or have not improved.
Getting nervous? Train to relax and focus
Got distracted by others? Train with noise and talking.
Getting tired? Train physically to improve endurance
The weather’s hard? Train in all weather conditions, not just the fine days
The weather’s hard? Learn from your coach, about varying conditions
Can’t see targets? Experiment in training with varied combinations of sight options
Can’t see targets? Get your eyes checked
Had “flyer shot”? Test ammo groups in training
Had larger groups for no reason? See above!
Hand gets sore/tired? Check with your coach and try variations
I could go on, but I won’t, as I’m sure you see the differences now. When you go to club night – determine if you are using the time to train, or practice. Sometimes you will need to shoot a competition for the averages, or monthly award, however there is always time to train and improve.
Enjoy the challenge