Posted by Coach Excellence on May 25, 2017 in Mind Work |

Forms of Rehearsal by Tricia Van Nus

Mental Rehearsal – This is the most common form of rehearsal and coaches use this tool to help the athlete to stay on task and reinforce the skills.  This form of rehearsal has many names, visualization, imagery, and rehearsal.  It is often used during the loading of each shot – just re positive reminder of what you are trying to achieve.  It is simple to mentally rehearse the shot that you want to make in your mind before you attempt the shot.  Shooting the best shot possible, is the name of the game.

Mental rehearsal also helps to keep the mind in focus – “what I want to see, is what I’m aiming for”

Mental Practice – This is used when a shooter can’t get to the range.  It is a period of time that is set aside in which an athlete will mentally shoot perhaps a 20 shot string, or even a complete match in their mind, going through every aspect that competition brings.

Some shooters will rehearse firing good shots over and over in their mind.  This helps promote the likelihood that the shooter will perform this way in the future.  Remember that this form of mental rehearsal must be completed in EXACTLY the same time frame, as you would shoot a match or training session.

Contingency Planning – This comes from NASA.  They spend a tremendous amount of time going over what to do if things do not go according to plan so they will be ready for anything.  Players should do the same thing and go over the possible situations mentally and physically so they know how to get out of trouble.  Players should mentally rehearse that they are leading a tournament and run away with it.  They should also rehearse coming from behind and shooting the lowest score of the day on the final day of the tournament to win.  They can also rehearse getting out of trouble and making a great recovery shot. 

The WHAT IF list is essential.  What will I do if “xxx” – no problem, as I’ve thought of this before and have a solution that works, and is practised.

Reinforcement Rehearsal – This is used to build on a player’s success.  The best way to extend the success that a player is having is to mentally rehearse that success over and over.  This reinforcement process allows the player to perform that way more often.

When things are going well – take in the information that makes it “so good”   Understand that reinforcing good process is as important, as detecting little changes in process.



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