Adapted from an article by Jim Pulliam MA, RD, CSSD. USA Shooting
All disciplines of shooting require high mental concentration which requires more nutrients to be delivered to the brain to use as fuel. Mental performance will be best after eating a mixture of carbohydrate, lean protein and healthy fat at frequent intervals throughout the day. This will ensure that blood sugar levels remain stable and provide the body and the brain the necessary nutrients to perform at an elite level.
Follow these nutrition guidelines to improve your mental concentration, cognitive function and reaction time .
Follow a lower fat eating program. In general, eating a higher fat diet generally disrupts cognitive function. Eat a balance of simple and complex carbohydrates. This will help to avoid high sugar spikes which results in improved reaction time. A higher degree of mental concentration uses more carbohydrate.
Eat a balance of protein, carbohydrate and healthy fat at every meal/snack. This will help stabilize blood sugar and will maintain mental and physical energy .
Eat smaller meals and snacks. Smaller portions eaten at frequent intervals help improve performance body composition (increase muscle mass and decrease fat mass), blood chemistry (lipid profile), and provides a steady supply of fuel to the brain for optimal mental focus and cognitive function.
Water is one of the most important nutrients in an elite athlete’s nutrition program. Drinking too little water or losing too much through sweating decreases your ability to train hard and recover properly .
Water does more than just keep you hydrated. For elite athletes, water:
..Acts as a transporter to supply working muscles with the nutrients they need during training
..Helps the body get rid of the waste products resulting from high-intensity training
..Helps the body cool itself during exercise by dissipating heat through sweat
Losing even a small amount of fluid during training or starting a workout dehydrated will make it hard to perform at your best. Fluid losses of 2-3% of an elite athlete’s body weight s for a 150 pound athlete) can lead to lack of concentration and focus. Early fatigue and a longer recovery time are other considerations
Tip: It’s always a good idea to start off your day, whether training or not, by drinking a full glass of cool water. Enjoy it.