DRY FIRING with Marcus Raab
Technical Training-Dry Firing by Marcus Raab Introduction Many of us as coaches and/or athletes are impatient. We want results now if not yesterday. We look for and try many different things to improve the performance of our athletes. Some ideas work, others do not and a few work for some athletes, but not all. There […]
We all have need to dry fire. Many top Prone and Position shooters regard dry-firing as legitimate and valuable practice. I offer the comment though, that rim-fire rifles may well be damaged by dry-firing on an empty chamber. The firing pin may hit on the edge of the chamber, pinning the chamber so that over […]
There are many apps that the creators say are the “best of its type”….but there again, all children look wonderful to their parents! Every time I hear of something new…I check it out. Looking for a RELIABLE AND USEFUL phone or tablet app to assist your shooting? then read on…. Target Scoring System in your […]